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The Great Chicken Debate: American vs. European Backyard Chickens

The Great Chicken Debate American vs European Backyard Chickens

When it comes to raising backyard chickens, there are a lot of choices to be made. Which breed should you go for? What kind of coop is best? Should you medicate or not? But one of the biggest decisions you'll face is whether to go with American or European chickens. Each has their own distinctive traits, and depending on your goals and preferences, one might be a better fit for your flock than the other. So, in this blog post, we're going to take a look at the differences between American and European backyard chickens, and help you decide which one is right for you.


First things first, let's define what we mean by American and European chickens. There are dozens of breeds of chicken from both continents, but for the purposes of this post, we'll be looking at the most popular and widely-available ones. American chickens include the Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, Wyandotte, and Delaware, while the European chickens we'll be discussing are the Leghorn, Orpington, Sussex, and Marans.


One of the biggest differences between American and European chickens is their egg-laying ability. American breeds tend to be more productive overall, with many hens laying 5-6 eggs a week or more. European chickens can lay well, but are often more variable in their productivity, and may go through periods of not laying at all. If you're looking to keep chickens primarily for their eggs, American chickens may be the way to go.


In terms of temperament, American and European chickens can also differ. American breeds are often more active and flighty, which can make them better suited to free-ranging in a large yard. They also tend to be more independent and less reliant on their human caretakers for entertainment and socialization. European breeds, on the other hand, are generally more docile and enjoy human company, which can make them easier to handle and train. This can be a big benefit if you plan to keep your chickens in a smaller space.


Appearance is another factor to consider when choosing between American and European chickens. American breeds are often quite colorful and distinctive, with striking patterns and features like feathered legs and heads. European breeds are generally more uniform in appearance, with less variation in plumage and body type. Of course, this is a matter of personal preference, but if you're looking for chickens that will turn heads, American breeds may be more up your alley.


Finally, it's worth noting that American and European chickens can have different health and environmental requirements. American breeds are often hardier and more adaptable to different climates, which can be a big plus if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions. European breeds may require more specialized care, such as extra warmth in the winter or specific kinds of feed, to thrive. Make sure to do your research on the breeds you're considering, and factor in any relevant environmental or health concerns before making a decision.



So, which is better: American or European backyard chickens? As with most things chicken-related, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on what you're looking for in your flock, and what you're willing to put in to care for them. American breeds are great if you want high egg production and active birds that can cover a lot of ground. European breeds may be a better choice if you want friendly, docile chickens that enjoy human interaction. Ultimately, the best choice is the one that fits your lifestyle and preferences – so do your research, talk to other chicken owners, and choose the breed that speaks to you.

Cluck Yes! Keeping Chickens Inside Your Apartment

Small chicks roaming around at home

Are you a backyard chicken enthusiast but living in an apartment or a small space? Well, do not fret! It's still possible to keep your feathered friends close by and turn your apartment into a mini poultry farm. In this blog post, we will be discussing the feasibility of keeping chickens inside an apartment, the pros and cons of doing so, and the necessary steps to take care of these fluffy friends indoors.


The feasibility of keeping chickens inside an apartment

The first and foremost question that arises is, can chickens be kept indoors? The answer is yes, but it's not a cakewalk. You need to ensure that your apartment is suitable for raising chickens, as it involves a few challenges. The most important factor is the space you have available, the ventilation system, the noise levels, and the aspect of sanitation. Chickens can be messy, and their waste can be pretty pungent. Hence, hygiene and cleanliness should always be a top priority when keeping chickens indoors.


The pros and cons of keeping chickens inside an apartment

Like everything else, keeping chickens indoors has its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, chickens can be great indoor pets that are easy and cheap to take care of. They are useful creatures that can produce fresh eggs, compost, and organic fertilizer. However, on the downside, chickens have a unique personality and can be loud and messy. They require time, attention, and specific requirements like suitable temperature, lighting, and diet. In any event, before embarking on this adventure, doing research on everything about raising chickens indoors is necessary.


The necessary equipment for raising chickens indoors

To create an ideal indoor environment for chickens, some necessary equipment is required. For example, a coop, litter box, feeders, watering systems, and a nest box. Ensure that these gadgets are appropriately installed and are suited to your apartment's dimensions and ventilation system. For example, the coop must have enough space, be predator-proof, and have proper air circulation. Additionally, lighting plays a crucial role in egg-laying, so the right kind of artificial light bulbs need to be chosen.


The care and maintenance of indoor chickens

Like all pets, chickens need specific care and attention, especially when it comes to maintaining hygiene levels. Regular cleaning, litter changing, and disinfecting the coop are a must. The chickens require a balanced diet and supplements on occasion, and it's important to adjust the temperature according to the season to mimic natural conditions. Checking for any signs of illness or parasite infestation is extremely crucial. In any event, taking proper care of indoor chickens can make all the difference in raising them successfully.


Legal regulations regarding keeping chickens indoors

Before diving into chicken-keeping, ensure that it's legal to have chickens inside your apartment complex or your city. Each state/city has its laws, and researching these regulations is important. Local health laws in some areas may prohibit keeping livestock, so be sure to check with the authorities before attempting to raise chickens indoors.



Keeping chickens indoors isn't an impossible task, but it surely is a complex one that requires a certain level of dedication, time, and effort. If done correctly with proper procedure and safety measures, raising chickens inside your apartment can be a lot of fun and a satisfying experience. So if you want to have fresh farm goods and enjoy the company of feathered pets at the same time, keeping chickens indoors is worth a try!

Is Backyard Chicken Keeping Time Consuming?

Funny chickens on patrol sign on a backyard chicken coop

Are you considering getting backyard chickens or already a proud owner of some? You might be wondering how much time it takes to raise happy and healthy chickens. Well, the answer is quite straightforward - it depends. There are several factors that influence the amount of time you'll need to allocate to your feathered friends. In this post, we'll explore them, so keep reading to find out more.


First, let's talk about chicken coop maintenance, which will take up a considerable chunk of your time. Cleaning the coop regularly is crucial to keep your feathered friends healthy and prevent the spread of diseases. Depending on the size of your coop, this can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. You'll also need to refill food and water containers daily. Plus, you should check for eggs a couple of times a day to prevent them from going bad. On average, backyard chicken keeping requires 20-30 minutes of coop maintenance daily.


The second factor to consider is how much time you'll spend interacting with your chickens. While not necessary, spending time with your chickens every day can be fun and rewarding for both you and them. You can feed them treats, provide them with toys, or simply sit down and watch them roam around. This doesn't have to take long - even 10-15 minutes of quality time will suffice.


The third factor is the time it takes to collect eggs. Depending on the size of your flock, you might need to collect eggs daily or every other day. Again, this doesn't have to take long, especially if you equip your coop with a nest box that makes egg collection a breeze.


The fourth factor is chicken-related projects, such as building or repairing a coop, creating a chicken run, or planting a garden that your chickens can enjoy. These projects can take up a considerable amount of time, especially if you're DIYing. However, they're not a necessity, and you can always opt for store-bought solutions if you don't have the time or skills to tackle them.


Finally, there are unexpected events, such as chicken illnesses, predator attacks, or weather emergencies that can require extra time and attention. While you can't predict these events, you can be prepared by having a first-aid kit, a predator-proof coop, and a backup plan in case of severe weather.


So, is backyard chicken keeping time-consuming? Yes and no. It all depends on how much time you want to allocate to your feathered friends. On average, daily chicken care takes around 20-30 minutes, plus extra time for projects and unexpected events. However, spending more time with your chickens can enrich your life and theirs, so it's up to you to decide how much time you're willing to invest. Remember, backyard chicken keeping is a rewarding hobby, not a chore, so have fun with it!